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Bright Day Big Blocks Makes Its Way To Television

Twins Building Their Dream

Twins Storytelling

David Krishock, Co-Founder, Bright Day Foundation

Play-Based Education Company Preparing For Filming TV Pilot

Our program promises to highlight the importance of play in building children's brains and bodies
— David Krishock, Co-Founder Bright Day Foundation
LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, USA, May 2, 2024 / -- This coming fall Bright Day Big Blocks plans to film a pilot episode of their newly created television series titled Bright Day Block Party!
In preparation for that endeavor, this past month Bright Day has been trial filming at kindergartens, testing out its unique reality series format.

David Krishock, Bright Day Co-Founder says, “filming an education-based reality television program is exciting – but with so many variables, especially when the series features young children, we need all the practice we can get”.
He continues by saying, “people always say practice makes perfect, around here we’ve begun saying, practice makes a pilot”.

Last week David Krishock and Laurel Tucker, Bright Day Co-Founders – and a camera crew representing film production company Partners In Cinema from Austin, Texas, USA visited a local kindergarten to proof out their television concept, which is meant to attract a family viewing audience.

Block Party! features 3 teams of 3 children each, 4-6 years olds.
The children create a common play theme – the chosen theme for this test episode was Wild Animals.
The children then design or draw what they are dreaming about building.
This is followed by the children building their design with loose parts, some of which are Bright Day Big Blocks.
Once finished building their idea or design the children story-tell about what they built and why they love it.
And finally each team is recognized for either their creativity, or their collaboration, or their critical thinking skills.

“Our session with the kindergarteners was just amazing, says David Krishock. Not only did the television program elements work extremely well, but myself and the other adults witnessing and participating in the play sessions have seldom laughed so hard and for so long – children at play are so creative, delightful and amazing in so many ways.

Bright Day is an education-based company that believes play is quite possibly the best way for children to learn.
“We believe play develops the cognitive, physical, emotional, and social aspects as children grow. Play unlocks curiosity and builds creativity and use of imagination, communication and collaboration, critical thinking and problem solving, self-assurance and confidence. Play develops strength and stamina, coordination and balance, fine and gross motor skills, strong bones and organs, helps control weight.
It’s been said that play is as vital to a child’s development as air, water and food, and we at Bright Day believe and endorse that 100%”.

Next step in filming the television show is to take the learning from trial episodes to the site the pilot will be filmed at – kidSTREAM Children’s Museum in Los Angeles, California. David Krishock concludes, “everyone involved in this project looks forward to bringing Bright Day Block Party! to a broad national television audience - we are also in discussion with other countries in Europe and Asia. Our purpose, our work is to promote the power of play and play-based learning – and we do this by providing educators and engaged parents tools like our curriculum, and our big blocks.
Working with kidSTREAM in providing educational content is yet another key step in helping parents and teachers better build children’s brains and bodies”.

In addition to a venture into television content, its Bright Day Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit is in the final stages of launching a global film documentary titled – Play Is The Way! For more information on this project visit
Learn more about everything Bright Day – Big Blocks, Play-Based Curriculum, Film + Television Content by visiting

Laurel Tucker
Bright Day Big Blocks and Bright Day Foundation
+1 818-914-6541
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Twins Storytelling

David Krishock, Co-Founder, Bright Day Foundation

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